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20 Myths About Integrated Fridge Freezers: Busted

페이지 정보

작성자 Forest
댓글 0건 조회 551회 작성일 24-01-26 21:49


Why Buy an Integrated Fridge/Freezer?

Refrigerators that are integrated into the cabinets and offer stylish appearance to your kitchen. They are more durable and last longer than freestanding refrigerators.

However integrated fridge freezers have their own set of unique benefits and drawbacks. They can be costly and difficult to move. Do you need to invest in a snow sled?

Stylish design

Refrigerator freezers are a basic kitchen appliance which is often used, and can be a striking design statement. The latest integrated fridges are not just panel ready and blend seamlessly into the cabinetry, but also incorporate smart technology to simplify your day-to-day chores. Beko's frost-free technology makes defrosting a thing of the past. Flexible shelving and convertible cooling compartments offer various storage options.

In comparison to freestanding models, integrated fridge freezers are more streamlined and seamless. This allows your kitchen design to appear more spacious and open. The integrated refrigerators and freezers are available in a range of textures, colors and designs so you can choose the perfect fit for your home.

A fridge/freezer integrated into a cabinet is more than an independent fridge. You will also have to purchase a housing cabinet typically 60cm wide, as well as doors for kitchen cabinets. This can add a substantial amount to your overall costs.

However, it is worth noting that an integrated fridge/freezer will be cheaper than a built-in model. Built-in refrigerators are more expensive since they are affixed to the kitchen housing. A luxurious integrated refrigerator will seamlessly integrate with the kitchen cabinets, creating an elegant and sophisticated design for any home.


A fridge freezer that is built-in can give your kitchen a sleek look. The appliance is concealed behind the cupboard doors, so there are no protruding handles or parts that stick out. The design also means you can integrate it with your other kitchen appliances to create an overall appearance.

Larder fridges with integrated larders are generally larger than freestanding models which means they have more storage space for your food items. They're also more energy-efficient thanks to new insulation technologies that allow them to keep the same size but reduce their power consumption. Samsung's innovative SpaceMax Technology is an instance of this, allowing the company to reduce fridge freezer walls and door thicknesses, allowing them to provide the same amount of storage space in the smaller size of an external package.

The most efficient integrated fridge freezers will keep your food fresher for longer due to features that are smart, such as multi-airflow technology and humidity control. Bosch's energy-efficient models may even help you cut down on the amount of time that your grocery items stay in the fridge thanks to their FastChill and FastFreeze feature.

If you're seeking to replace your refrigerator with a more up-to date model, then consider an integrated fridge freezer equipped with a touchscreen. Samsung's Family Hub model can display recipes and calendars on its large integrated fridge freezer 21" screen. This is ideal for modern homes.

Energy efficiency

Fridge freezers use energy constantly however newer models are more efficient. It's worth upgrading your fridge if it's more than 10 years old.

Integrated fridge freezers provide greater efficiency than their freestanding counterparts. They are a perfect fit into kitchen cabinets and look hidden, making them popular for kitchens that are contemporary. They are also typically larger than freestanding models, so they can hold more food and beverages.

To get the best energy efficiency, choose models with an A-G energy rating. These will display a coloured sticker on the appliance or, if you're shopping online, a full information sheet is included under the main rating. The kWh number is crucial because it tells you how much energy the appliance consumes during the year. The greater the kWh, more efficient the appliance.

Remember that an integrated fridge freezer has to fit into a cabinet that is 60cm wide which is why it's recommended to select one that's the same width that your existing cupboards. If you are replacing your refrigerator/freezer, ensure that it's nearing the end of its life or else you'll need to install a higher cabinet. It's worth assessing the size of your current cabinet, as well as its depth to ensure it can handle a new appliance.


If you want to have your fridge freezer blend seamlessly into the decor of your kitchen A model that is integrated fridgefreezer will be the perfect solution. This kind of appliance fits within a cabinet's door and can be coordinated to match your décor, with most models designed to fit into standard cabinets with a height of 178cm.

Some integrated fridge freezers have an intelligent feature that can connect to your WiFi to assist you in keeping track of your food, set reminders when it's due for expiration and even receive personalised recipes that are based on what's in your cupboards. Other features include air flow technology, which allows cool air to be distributed evenly throughout the appliance, antibacterial linings, and fast-freeze settings that lower temperatures quickly so that your food is fresher for longer.

Larder fridges that are integrated have drawers that can be used to store various foods at the optimum temperature, including fish and meat, which prefer low humidity, or fruit that prefers a humid environment, as this helps them keep their crispness.

hoover-hob50s518fk-static-integrated-fridge-freezer-50-50-split-wifi-connected-led-lighting-white-1822.jpgIntegrated refrigerators also provide greater design flexibility than freestanding appliances, which makes them perfect for kitchens with small spaces or open-plan living areas. Pick from a wide range of finishes and colours to fit your style. The models are available in different widths and depths, so you can accommodate any space. If you're searching for a fridge that has an integrated freezer, then check out the full range here at NE Appliances, where we offer free delivery and installation. We are able to recycle and disengage your old appliance, should you require it.html>


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